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About this site

Why this website?

Roaddanger.org is firstly a database with traffic crashes. The purpose of this website is to gain insight how media are reporting on traffic crashes. Everybody can help by adding media articles about crashes to the database. Start by creating an account by clicking the profile button are the right top.

How to add a media article to this database?

When is a person "injured"?

Someone is injured if he or she is taken to an hospital by an ambulance.

Are the statistics you are showing accurate?

Not really, but we are trying and you can help. The data is harvested from media articles. It becomes more accurate as more articles are added and we accurately tag the involved humans. However it will always just show rough trends. Location data is also hard quite to get accurately.

We remove duplicates, but that sometimes takes some time. Again, help us if you can.

Who is running this site?

Roaddanger.org started as a spin-off from a journalistic project about traffic victims by journalist Thalia Verkade and professor in Urban Mobility Futures Marco te Brömmelstroet on the online newspaper De Correspondent. The administrators of this website are journalist Thalia Verkade and programmer Jan Derk Stegeman.

I like to help or provide feedback

If you like to help add data, moderate, cooperate, program or just provide feedback you can email Jan Derk Stegeman. All code of this website is open source and available on github.


This website only uses cookies to keep you logged in between sessions. That's all. However, the crash photographs are from the media websites who often place "third-party" cookies to track you.


The icons are created by flaticon, freepik, mavadee, monkik, Online Web Fonts, retinaicons and smalllikeart.

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